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Qoo10 SG

1 reviews
37.4 k downloads

Get the lowest prices in this department store in Singapur

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Qoo10 SG is a comprehensive online marketplace that offers a vast array of products catering to every customer’s need and desire. With an impressive product selection exceeding 17 million items, this platform has become a go-to destination for shoppers seeking fashion, sports equipment, beauty products, home essentials, electronics, pet supplies, maternity items, dining deals, gift cards, and even grocery shopping.

The platform stands out for its commitment to customer satisfaction, providing a reliable shopping experience through features like user-generated reviews. With over 39 million reviews, customers can make informed purchasing decisions, gauging product quality, merchant reliability, and delivery speed.

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Shoppers will discover exclusive discounts such as a 20% off coupon for first-time users, flash sales, daily deals, and group buying opportunities. They can also take a chance with the Roulette feature for additional savings. For brand enthusiasts, the official brand stores in the Brand Avenue are a definitive highlight.

Earn rewards daily with the Q-lounge, and benefit further from affiliate rewards by sharing shopping experiences. Global shopping is effortless, with options to buy products from various countries, making international products just a few clicks away.

Shipping is made more convenient and cost-effective with Qprime, allowing a singular shipping fee for multiple merchant purchases and free delivery on orders above $60. Prime Today and QX Quick delivery options cater to urgent needs with delivery possible in as little as 3 hours, including customizable scheduling.

Multiple secure payment methods are at shoppers' disposal, including popular credit and digital payment options, with the added flexibility of 0% credit card installments.

Whether enhancing life with a fresh wardrobe, a new beauty regime, gearing up for sports activities, giving a home a makeover, or simply indulging in the thrill of exploration, the game promises to deliver the best directly to customers' doors.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by GIOSIS PTE. LTD..

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about Qoo10 SG 7.7.1

Package Name net.giosis.shopping.sg
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Shopping
Language English
70 more
Downloads 37,396
Date Apr 3, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 7.7.0 Android + 5.0 Mar 28, 2024
apk 7.5.1 Android + 5.0 Dec 2, 2023
apk 7.3.2 Android + 5.0 Feb 25, 2024
apk 7.3.0 Android + 5.0 Oct 20, 2023
apk 7.2.0 Android + 5.0 May 14, 2023
apk 7.0.1 Android + 5.0 Feb 11, 2023

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